COVID-19 Outbreak

Cumulative Total. Total number of COVID-19 cases reported in Missouri to date. Most cases will recover from their illness, but this will not change the cumulative total.
Cases in Missouri: 3,539
Total Deaths: 77
Patients tested in Missouri (by all labs): approximately 40,480
As of 2:00 p.m. CT, April 9
Approximate update: 2:00 p.m., April 10
These data are provisional and will change daily. Investigations are being done on new cases, so as additional information is determined on these cases, information such as county, demographics, and the total counts will continue to change. Efforts are continually being made to improve data quality so that DHSS is providing the most accurate information possible.
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Missouri Coronavirus GIS Hub
Cases by County or Jurisdiction
County | Total |
Adair | 11 |
Andrew | 0 |
Atchison | 1 |
Audrain | 0 |
Barry | 1 |
Barton | 0 |
Bates | 4 |
Benton | 3 |
Bollinger | 3 |
Boone | 78 |
Buchanan | 17 |
Butler | 6 |
Caldwell | 1 |
Callaway | 20 |
Camden | 26 |
Cape Girardeau | 24 |
Carroll | 0 |
Carter | 3 |
Cass | 27 |
Cedar | 5 |
Chariton | 4 |
Christian | 17 |
Clark | 1 |
Clay | 38 |
Clinton | 9 |
Cole | 35 |
Cooper | 3 |
Crawford | 4 |
Dade | 0 |
Dallas | 2 |
Daviess | 0 |
DeKalb | 3 |
Dent | 0 |
Douglas | 0 |
Dunklin | 10 |
Franklin | 62 |
Gasconade | 2 |
Gentry | 1 |
Greene | 72 |
Grundy | 0 |
Harrison | 4 |
Henry | 2 |
Hickory | 0 |
Holt | 0 |
Howard | 1 |
Howell | 4 |
Iron | 0 |
Jackson | 177 |
Jasper | 11 |
Jefferson | 98 |
Johnson | 36 |
Joplin | 2 |
Kansas City | 257 |
Knox | 0 |
Laclede | 0 |
Lafayette | 26 |
Lawrence | 0 |
Lewis | 0 |
Lincoln | 25 |
Linn | 3 |
Livingston | 1 |
Macon | 2 |
Madison | 1 |
Maries | 2 |
Marion | 0 |
McDonald | 4 |
Mercer | 0 |
Miller | 0 |
Mississippi | 0 |
Moniteau | 3 |
Monroe | 0 |
Montgomery | 6 |
Morgan | 1 |
New Madrid | 6 |
Newton | 7 |
Nodaway | 2 |
Oregon | 1 |
Osage | 4 |
Ozark | 0 |
Pemiscot | 4 |
Perry | 31 |
Pettis | 3 |
Phelps | 1 |
Pike | 5 |
Platte | 21 |
Polk | 1 |
Pulaski | 11 |
Putnam | 0 |
Ralls | 1 |
Randolph | 7 |
Ray | 7 |
Reynolds | 2 |
Ripley | 2 |
Saline | 11 |
Schuyler | 0 |
Scotland | 1 |
Scott | 13 |
Shannon | 0 |
Shelby | 1 |
St. Charles | 274 |
St. Clair | 2 |
St. Francois | 20 |
St. Louis City | 498 |
St. Louis County | 1393 |
Ste. Genevieve | 6 |
Stoddard | 9 |
Stone | 4 |
Sullivan | 0 |
Taney | 7 |
Texas | 0 |
Vernon | 1 |
Warren | 12 |
Washington | 1 |
Wayne | 0 |
Webster | 3 |
Worth | 1 |
Wright | 7 |
TBD | 0 |
Cases by county will be updated as information is verified and patients are notified. The breakdown may not match the total case count.
Cases by Age Range
Age Range | Number of Cases |
Under 20 | 81 |
20-24 | 230 |
25-29 | 244 |
30-34 | 224 |
35-39 | 223 |
40-44 | 263 |
45-49 | 301 |
50-54 | 358 |
55-59 | 386 |
60-64 | 360 |
65-69 | 283 |
70-74 | 212 |
75-79 | 139 |
80+ | 232 |
Unknown | 3 |
Cases by Age
Deaths by County
County | Total Deaths |
Boone | 1 |
Buchanan | 1 |
Callaway | 1 |
Camden | 1 |
Cape Girardeau | 1 |
Carter | 1 |
Cass | 1 |
Clay | 1 |
Cole | 1 |
Franklin | 3 |
Greene | 7 |
Henry | 1 |
Jackson | 4 |
Jefferson | 2 |
Kansas City | 6 |
Lafayette | 1 |
Lincoln | 1 |
St. Charles County | 6 |
St. Francois | 1 |
St. Louis City | 6 |
St. Louis County | 28 |
Ste. Genevieve | 1 |
Taney | 1 |
TBD | 0 |
Deaths by Age Range
Age Ranges of Deaths | Number of Deaths |
Under 20 | 0 |
20-29 | 0 |
30-39 | 1 |
40-49 | 1 |
50-59 | 5 |
60-69 | 10 |
70-79 | 19 |
80+ | 22 |
Travel or Contact Related Case Counts
Travel or contact to Confirmed Case | Number of Cases |
Travel | 163 |
Contact | 153 |
No Known Contact | 9 |
Under Investigation | 3223 |
"No Known Contact" means the investigation has occurred, and exposure was not identified.
"Unknown" means the investigation is incomplete or pending; exposure is not yet confirmed.
Biological Sex Data
Biological Sex | Number of Cases |
Male | 1659 |
Female | 1830 |
Unknown* | 50 |
*Some results do not initially contain this information. It will be updated as it is received.